
Every morning I sit and write in an electronic journal for forty minutes or so. I write at least a thousand words. That is my daily quota for my journal. I haven’t set a quota of words for my blog posts. They are as long as they need to be in order to say whatever it is I need to say.

I have been doing a lot of self indulgent navel gazing in this venue of late. Two people whose opinions I value have confirmed this. I’ve been looking at the quality of what I have been writing and it is not what I’d like for it to be.

So, I can either quit writing or I can work harder to make it better and more interesting. Only I can’t really quit so that leaves me only the one option. I will be doing less navel gazing though and I’ll be trying more varied and exploratory things. I also will redouble my effort to read what I write and make sure it says what I really mean for it to say.

Sometimes I ask myself why I waited so late to start writing. If I’d started earlier, I’d be much better at it than I am now. But then I realize, the important thing is not that you started late in life, it’s that you started at all.

Sweet dreams, don’t forget to tell the people you love that you love them, and most important of all, be kind.