This Old Dog is Learning New Tricks

Not only can you teach an old dog new tricks, but it is vital for dogs, and everyone else for that matter, to constantly learn new skills. It keeps the brain agile and working at top efficiency. It isn’t always comfortable to constantly challenge yourself to try new things, go new places, and learn new skills, but the benefits are well worth it.

That is one of the motivations behind my daily blog posts. It allows me to practice the art of writing and pushes me beyond my comfort zone. I sometimes find myself scratching my head trying to think of something new to write about. That is when I sit down and start typing. Writing something is more likely to lead to a topic than sitting and staring at a blank page. Besides, if what I write turns out to be unfit for a blog post, I can either edit it until it is fit or throw it away and start over.

The biggest enemy of achievement is doing nothing. Doing nothing is rarely the result of laziness though. More often it is the result of fear. Fear of failure. The paradoxical truth is that in order to succeed at something we must try and when we try we often fail. If we then learn from our failure and try again, we will often succeed. The surest sign of a successful person is the perpetual attitude that they haven’t failed, they just haven’t succeeded yet.

I have been working on learning to write succinctly for my entire life. I have been actually writing on a daily basis for a little over five years. I am only beginning to actually succeed at writing an interesting piece every now and then. I intend to continue to practice.

I appreciate my long suffering readers and would appreciate any comments or suggestions that you might have. You can comment here on my blog site, on the cross posts to Facebook or Twitter, or you can email me at jkelliemiller at

Sweet dreams, don’t forget to tell the people you love that you love them, and most important of all, be kind.